Leadership Effectiveness Webinar series


Webinars offer a chance to get to know us while learning about topics of relevance to the modern day leader. Short 1-hour sessions will share research and insights around a specific topic, encourage reflective practice to deepen learning, and offer a networking space to build community.

Upcoming Topics & Dates:

Reframing 'Good Student Habits' as a Leader

It is easy to pick up what can be considered ‘good student habits’ from time spent in the classroom. These habits may have served us well to complete a high school diploma or college degree and yet we may never look back to reflect on these patterns and how they serve us later in life. As leaders who influence and engage others to reach a common goal, it is worth exploring the time spent learning these habits to establish a better understanding on how they impact our day-to-day lives. An intentional investigation and tools to reframe these habits can be quite helpful for individuals looking to advance their skills to serve as transformational and inspirational leaders.

August 22nd | 4:30 - 5:30pm (MST)

Hiding Strategies vs inspired Connection

Based on the Playing Big book written by Tara Mohr, there are many ways that women hide from playing bigger in their lives. This may come across as procrastination, seeking others advice, or allowing the inner critic to talk us out of taking a step closer to our dreams. This has a real impact on our levels of fulfillment and ability to make the positive changes we may be aiming for. These ‘hiding strategies’ will be discussed with real-world examples provided to enable participants to better understand what may be holding them back and decide on an action plan to move forward.

October 24th | 4:30 - 5:30pm (MST)